Immunize Your Family Culture by Staying Grounded In Positive Values

If there has ever been a time where we need to consistently behave in accordance with our positive values, it is now. There is ongoing uncertainty with the pandemic and the multitude of disruptions and changes it causes in our day to day lives. Physicians, politicians, business owners, and school administrators have strong, yet varying opinions about it. There is ongoing social unrest as the ugliness of racism is being unmasked. The deep hurt and pain of prejudice is being revealed … again. Undoubtedly, change is needed.
These ‘UN’s’ – uncertainty and unrest – push us out of our comfort zone. We don’t quite know what to expect or count on. This fosters fear, confusion, anger, and distress. It reveals our deep need for a healthy way and safe path forward that we can count on and trust.
Change and leadership is needed. Change in the form of consistently behaving in accordance with our positive values in our homes and communities. Leadership in the form of leading by example in embodying our positive values. As we have painfully witnessed, it is not OK to be passive and stay silent in the face of injustice and behavior that is ungrounded. This will not only uproot our families, but our communities as well.
As leaders within our home, we know that consistent values grounded behavior is the foundation for trust. The more consistent and values grounded we are, the more our children trust us. As trust grows, so does love. Love, in its purest form, extinguishes fear and selfish behavior – it grows a desire to contribute to the goodness of others within our families and community.
Healthy values like respect, humility, accountability, and compassion serve to inoculate our families from the ill effects of selfish and fear based behavior. Behaving in accordance with our positive values prepares our children for the real world, helping to influence the broader culture in values grounded ways.
Make no mistake, this is gritty, hard, and intentional work. In fact, mistakes are part of the process of learning to be values grounded. We are called to have ‘courageous conversations’ with those who are behaving in ungrounded ways, including ourselves! Doing the right thing is often times that hard thing to do – yet, doing the hard work strengthens the ‘grit’ within our families. The values grounded culture within our homes will help strengthen our communities.
As we face the ‘UN’s’ – uncertainty and unrest, let’s UNderstand how we can use our positive values to strengthen and UNite our families and communities. It is during these times of crisis and challenge that meaningful change can emerge.
So, let me ask you …
· What is your plan to keep your family immunized with positive values?
· What values do you need to emphasize in your home?
· How can you become a better, more purposeful leader in your home?
Please share with others if you like. Let’s invite each other to stay grounded in healthy and virtuous values. Our life circumstances will continue to shift and change, yet our values remain constant.