Steps to Design A One-of-a-Kind Family Culture Board

How would you describe your family culture? Do your kids know what it is?

We invite you to create your one-of-a-kind culture board as a family! Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know:

1️⃣ Purchase a couple of large poster boards and some art supplies.
2️⃣ Gather your family and set aside time to work on your board. Explain what culture is and the value of clarifying your family culture.
3️⃣ Clarify the values within your family and discuss how these values are life-guiding and designed to help your kids grow up in healthy ways.
4️⃣ Title your family culture board by writing your last name in large letters.
5️⃣ Have your kids write their life guiding values on the board. Let your creativity flow in this step! Use different colors, pictures, and symbols to capture the uniqueness of the values that define your one-of-a-kind family culture.
6️⃣ Once you’ve completed your board, have each family member sign their name, making it a declaration.
7️⃣ Frame your family culture board & hang it in a high-traffic area of your home!

The fun process of creating a family culture board serves as a proclamation for what you stand for as a family, and it introduces a great tradition for them to continue with their future families.

For more information on developing a solid and healthy family culture to raise your children, check out Chapter 3 of the Values Grounded Parenting book!

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